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麥耀光 (香港)

螢幕快照 2014-01-16 下午02.44.16

Dr Gary Mak (HK)

Dr, Gary Y.K. Mak is currently the Director of the Pro-Cardio Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Center, Consultant cardiologist of Sir Run Run Shaw Heart & Diagnostic Center at St. Teresa’s Hospital, Consultant Cardiologist & former Director of Cardiac Catheterization Lab. in Hong Kong Baptist Hospital. He is also a part-time lecturer in CUHK, HKU and HK Polytechnic University on cardiology and sports medicine.

Dr. Mak has had extensive experience on Coronary CTA (CCTA) since 2005 and has personally reported over 3000 CCTA. He has been a member of Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography

since 2006 and was awarded the Fellow of Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (FCCT) in 2011.

Dr. Mak has continued interest in Sports Medicine and is the Consultant Cardiologist (Honorary) of the Hong Kong Sports Institute for over fifteen years. His current research interests include cardiovascular response to endurance exercise, CV injuries in Marathon runners, Pre-Participation CV Evaluation and exercise related sudden death,

Coronary CT Angiography, atherothrombosis, metabolic syndrome, hypertension and lipid disorders.

螢幕快照 2014-01-16 下午02.43.06

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