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2012 ESC急性和慢性心衰的診斷與治療指南解讀

Prof. Tse is Chair, Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine and William MW Mong Professor in Cardiology, Academic Chief in the Cardiology Division, Department of Medicine and Deputy Director, Research Center of the Heart, Brain, Hormone and Healthy Aging.

Prof. Tse received his medical degree from the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. He completed his postgraduate training in Internal Medicine and Cardiology in the Department of Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital, University of Hong Kong, and his cardiac-electrophysiology training fellowship at the University of Michigan, USA. He was awarded the Sir Patrick Manson Gold Medal for his MD Thesis and Outstanding Young Researcher Award of University of Hong Kong for year 2002-3, Outstanding Researcher Award of University of Hong Kong for year 2007-2008.


螢幕快照 2014-01-16 下午02.55.49


Since 1996, Prof. Tse has held academic appointments at the University of Hong Kong. Prof. Tse is particularly interested in the development of novel therapies for cardiac arrhythmias and stem cell therapy for treatment of cardiovascular diseases. He has established the first large animal laboratory for research and training on cardiovascular medicine in Hong Kong. Prof. Tse has published over 350 original scientific reports in international scientific journals, including New England Journal of Medicine, Nature Medicine, Lancet, Cell Stem Cell, Circulation, Blood, Journal of American College of Cardiology, Archives of Internal Medicine, American Journal of Medicine, European Heart Journal and Stem Cell.


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