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陳藝賢 (香港)

螢幕快照 2014-01-16 下午02.35.16

Dr. Chan Ngai Yin (HK)


He is currently the Head of Cardiac Pacing Service and Cardiac Rehabilitation and an Associate Consultant of Department of Medicine & Geriatrics at Princess Margaret Hospital. He is also the Clinical Associate Professor (Hon) of Department of Medicine & Therapeutics in The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

His major area of research is related to catheter cryoablation of cardiac arrhythmias, optimization of cardiac resynchronization therapy and alternate site ventricular pacing. He has publications of 40 peer-reviewed manuscripts and abstracts. He is also a manuscript reviewer for Circulation, the American Journal of Cardiology, Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, the Journal of Hong Kong College of Cardiology and Scientific Research and Essays. He has been awarded the Best Paper Award in the 19th Annual Scientific Congress of Hong Kong College of Cardiology (2011). His outstanding professional performance and community contributions were recognized with the Hong Kong Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award, 2006.

螢幕快照 2014-01-16 下午02.32.13

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